The Reconstruction Of Religious Thought In Islam

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The Reconstruction Of Religious Thought In Islam

Here in this article, we have tried our best to define The Reconstruction Of Religious Thought In Islam.

What Is The Reconstruction Of Religious Thought in Islam?

The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam” is a collection of philosophical essays written by Sir Muhammad Iqbal, a prominent philosopher, poet, and politician in British India. The book, first published in 1930, addresses the need to reexamine and reinterpret Islamic thought in the modern context.”

Background Of The Reconstruction Of Religious Thought In Islam

In these essays, Iqbal explores various themes, including the nature of God, the role of the individual in society, and the relationship between spirituality and modernity. He advocates for a dynamic and forward-looking approach to Islam, encouraging Muslims to engage with contemporary ideas while remaining rooted in the fundamental principles of their faith.

Iqbal’s vision for The Reconstruction Of Religious Thought In Islam involves reconciling Islamic teachings with the advancements of science, philosophy, and social justice. He emphasizes the importance of ijtihad (independent reasoning) and intellectual freedom within the framework of Islamic principles to address the challenges of the modern world.

Several factors contributed to the background of this work:

  1. Colonial Context: During the early 20th century, British colonial rule had a profound impact on the social, political, and intellectual life of India. The encounter with Western ideas and the dominance of Western education prompted a reassessment of traditional values and religious thought.
  2. Intellectual Climate: The intellectual climate of the time was marked by discussions on modernity, philosophy, and science. Iqbal, influenced by Western philosophy and thought, sought to reconcile Islamic principles with the advancements of the modern era.
  3. Islamic Renaissance: Iqbal was part of a broader movement known as the Islamic Renaissance, which aimed to revive and reinterpret Islamic thought in response to contemporary challenges. The call for ijtihad (independent reasoning) was central to this movement, advocating for a dynamic engagement with the changing world.
  4. Spiritual and Cultural Revival: Iqbal was deeply concerned about the spiritual and cultural decline he observed in the Muslim world. He believed that revitalizing Islamic thought was necessary to address the challenges posed by materialism, colonialism, and the changing socio-political landscape.

The Reconstruction Of Religious Thought In Islam In Urdu

The book “The Reconstruction Of Religious Thought In Islam” by Sir Muhammad Iqbal is known in Urdu as “بعثت از معمولاتِ مذہب اسلام” (Bā‘isat az Mamūlāt-e Maẓhab-e Islām). یہ فلسفی مضامین کا مجموعہ ہے جو اسلامی خیالات کی نوعیت پر دوبارہ غور اور نظریہ تجدید کی ضرورت پر مبنی ہے۔ اس میں خدا کی فطرت، فرد کا معاشرتی کردار، اور روحانیت اور جدید دور کے درمیان تعلق جیسے مختلف موضوعات پر مبنی مضامین شامل ہیں۔ اقبال کا یہ کام اردو میں اسلامی فلسفے اور خیالات میں اہم اثرات ڈالا ہے، اور مسلمان دنیا میں دین اور جدیدیت کے تعلقات میں دلچسپی رکھنے والے قارئین کی طرف سے مطالعہ اور قدر کیا جاتا ہے۔

Here are a few notable lines (ash’aar) from Allma Iqbal’s poetry:

“خودی کو کر بلند اتنا کہ ہر تقدیر سے پہلے

خدا بندے سے خود پوچھے، بتا، تیری رضا کیا ہے؟”


“Elevate yourself to such heights that, even before destiny unfolds, God Himself inquires, ‘What is your wish, O human?'”

“ستاروں سے آگے جہاں اور بھی ہیں،

ابھی عشق کے امتحان اور بھی ہیں۔”


“Beyond the stars, there are other worlds, There are still more trials of love to endure.”

“ہزاروں سال نرگس اپنی بے نوری پہ روتی ہے

بڑی مشکل سے ہوتا ہے چمن میں دیدوار پیدا۔”


“For a thousand years, the narcissus laments its lack of beauty, It is quite challenging for a vision to be born in the garden.”


Overall, “The Reconstruction Of Religious Thought In Islam” represents Iqbal’s attempt to provide a philosophical foundation for the rejuvenation of Islamic thought and is considered as a significant work that encourages Muslims to embrace intellectual inquiry, reinterpret traditional concepts, and actively participate in the cultural and intellectual dialogue of their time.

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